Share Hope International is a non-profit organization tasked with the vision of...

We serve as the parent organization to...

Come And Make Them Smile.

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Copy that talks about the mission and vision of Share Hope Int.

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  • Vivamus sit amet velit non velit ullamcorper sagittis

Coffee Cascara

Dried coffee fruit, often called dried coffee cherries or coffee cascara, has gained attention for its potential health benefits and various uses.


information that is pertinent to coffee cascara trade


information that is pertinent to coffee cascara trade


information that is pertinent to coffee cascara trade

A Paradigm-Shifting Vertically Integrated Nonprofit Organization

Integrity Trade emerges as a groundbreaking nonprofit organization that goes above and beyond the traditional fair trade model in ethical commerce and responsible business practices.


Vertical Integration Model

We establish partnerships or cooperatives in the communities where our products originate.


Holistic Sustainability

We operate with a holistic sustainability perspective, addressing our partnerships' environmental, social, and economic aspects.


Consumer Engagement

We promote ethical consumerism by allowing individuals to choose products that align with their values.

On the Blog

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What a difference a year makes!

How might your life change others?

How redirecting our spending can offer others a new direction...

The quickest way to make a difference is to change the focus of an action rather than changing the action itself. Skip lunch one day per month and "buy" some hope for another with the money you usually spend.

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Partner with us!

Information about how partnering with Share Hope Int. can help aid in the continuation of our vision...

© 2024 Share Hope International 2024 | All Rights Reserved